Lemon Curd

This recipe has mostly been adapted from the Leiths Techniques Bible which I recently purchased. A lot of the recipes I try over the next three months are from this book, but they may have some of my own tweeks.

Keeping with the lemon theme, I tried out a lemon curd from the book. I’ve made a few minor modifications but kept to the essence of the recipe.

For the curd:

  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 225g sugar
  • 85g butter
  • 3 eggs lightly beaten

To start, put the butter, sugar and lime juice in a sauce pan and heat gently, stirring continuously until the mixture is thick and a few large bubbles rise to the surface.

lemon curd1

Once most of the sugar has melted away, slowly whisk in the egg. Be careful that the egg doesn’t begin to cook the minute it hits the mixture, which may happen. This would give he curd an eggy flavour as well as smell.

lemon curd2

As soon as the mixture is thick, strain it into a bowl to remove any cooked egg or eggy threads.

lemon curd3

The curd can be kept in the fridge as long as it cools a little before going in. I’m planning to give the curd to a friend of mine, so I’ve put it into an empty nutella jar and tied some red ribbon around it. The curd keeps for about a week and makes approximately 450g.

lemon curd5
lemon curd7

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Rice N Dine says:

    Looks delicious! Your friend is lucky! Thanks for sharing this recipe 🙂


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